Brain Powered Games Africa 2.0

Brain Powered Games Africa 2.0 is a major update to a collection of cognitive games developed for the African context. Working with MSU neurologists and psychiatrists, each game focuses on exercising one or more cognitive abilities, including attention, memory, language, visual/spatial functions, and executive functions.

The games serve as is computerized cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CCRT) with HIV inflected children in Malawi and Uganda and is currently in a clinical research trial to gauge effectiveness.

The games are part of a suite of cognitive training games developed by the Games for Entertainment and Learning (GEL) Lab at Michigan State University and supported by a grant from the National Institute of Health.

Game Development Team:


Brian Winn: Executive Producer

Mikayla Miklasz

Bilal Saqib


George Shober

David Robitaille

Kelsi Levine

Keith Lerner


Tristan Ozkan

David Deruiter

Jon Grama

Sound Design

Austin Wilson

Becky Roman

Lyndsay Mohr


Tatum Cho

Mackenzie O’Connell

Sydney Kitchen

Release Date: In Development