Student Organization

Spartasoft is Devoted to Learning About and Taking Part in Video Game Development
Spartasoft is Devoted to Learning About and Taking Part in Video Game Development
We are students who are interested in every aspect of creating video games. We are a professional organization that seeks to make industry contacts and aid students in future job placement, but the majority of our focus lies on gaining skills and experience in game development through student projects and tutorial presentations.
Spartasoft actively lobbies MSU Faculty for more classes that teach the skills needed for a career in game development and we welcome the possibility of a future course of study in that area. Members of Spartasoft are computer science, telecomm, art, history majors, and everything in between. New members don’t need any experience creating games, just a desire to learn. We are always looking for people with diverse skills and we use the group for teaching and learning as well as the actual creation of games.