Village Builder

Village Builder is a real-time strategy, village construction management game for school children in Sub-Saharan Africa. The game features prosocial objectives with cognitive reasoning and planning goals.

The game serves as an alternative to traditional computerized cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CCRT), like Brain Powered Games 2.0. It is being used with HIV inflected children in Malawi and Uganda and is currently in a clinical research trial to gauge effectiveness.

The game is part of a suite of cognitive training games developed by the Games for Entertainment and Learning (GEL) Lab at Michigan State University and supported by a grant from the National Institute of Health.

Game Development Team:


Brian Winn: Executive Producer

Mikayla Miklasz

Bilal Saqib


Shawn Pryde

Joe Sak

David Robitaille

Joe Daprai

Kathryn Nagy

Keith Lerner


Amanda Hackbardt

Aaron Solon

Connor Miller

Ben Barber

Sound Design

Austin Wilson

Gaby Bendtsen

Isaac Houston

Lyndsay Mohr


Tatum Cho

Mackenzie O’Connell

Rhian Perry

Rein Acevedo

Sydney Kitchen

Alan Ramirez

Release Date: In Development